<script>LANG=es</script> <script src="lib/MochiKit.js"></script> <script src="lib/ui.js"></script> <!-- The order matters: the LANG declaration mustgoes before the ui.js import --> <script> assert(_("The value must be a number") == "El valor debe ser numérico") </script>
UI.Lang is a primitive attempt to make i18n on UI4W strings which are meant to be read by the user. By now, it doesn't offer much to the developer, but in a future it can become a mini i18n framework.
If the global variable LANG is not set, this modules tries to autodetect the user language using the navigator.userLanguage, navigator.browserLanguage and navigator.language properties, on that order.
Copyright 2005-2006 Leonardo Soto M. <leo.soto@gmail.com> and Imagemaker IT <http://www.imagemaker.cl>.
This program is licensed under the CDDL v1.0 license, see http://www.sun.com/cddl/cddl.html.